Feel the rhythm
In chaotic rhythm combat, want to always be rockstar Chai and his motley crew of friends takes on an evil tech megacorp! The game’s characters, setting, and battles all seamlessly sync with the music. Take the fight to an, eh, ruthless corporation’s core as the leader of a band of colorful friends. Face off with the head of each department, from Production to Marketing to Finance, who are all more prepared than the last to defend the company’s bottom line in spectacular fight scenes with individual music tracks!
The world versus Chai
Chai is now forced to fight for his freedom in a stunning animated environment where everything – platforming puzzles, enemy attacks, and even the jokes and dialogue – is timed to the rhythm. Chai is labeled “defective” after a dubious corporate experiment accidentally fuses a music player to his heart. Engage in thrilling, rhythm-amplified warfare with legions of robots. Plan your actions to unleash powerful special abilities, spectacular Beat Hits, and even team assaults with your allies! Do you wish to boast? Increase your skill level and keep up with the beat to obtain those coveted S-rank points.
Dive into music
Tap your feet to a great mixtape with original tracks as well as tunes by artists like The Joy Formidable, The Prodigy, and Nine Inch Nails! Want to wow a live-streaming audience by showcasing your talents? Do not worry – Hi-Fi RUSH has a streamer-friendly alternate audio setting to prevent you from broadcasting music that is protected by copyright.